Full Text Political Transcripts February 24, 2017: President Donald Trump’s Speech at CPAC the Conservative Political Action Conference



Remarks by President Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference

Source: WH, 2-24-17

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center

10:23 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  So great to be with you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

Great to be back at CPAC.  (Applause.) The place I have really —

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  We love you!

THE PRESIDENT:  I love this place.  Love you people.  (Applause.)  So thank you.  Thank you very much.

First of all, I want to thank Matt Schlapp, and his very, very incredible wife and boss, Mercedes, who have been fantastic friends and supporters, and so great.  When I watch them on television defending me, nobody has a chance.  So, I want to thank Matt and Mercedes.

And when Matt called and asked, I said, absolutely, I’ll be there with you.  I mean, the real reason I said it — I didn’t want him to go against me because that one you can’t beat.  So I said, absolutely.  And it really is an honor to be here.

I wouldn’t miss a chance to talk to my friends.  These are my friends.  (Applause.)  And we’ll see you again next year and the year after that, and I’ll be doing this with CPAC whenever I can, and I’ll make sure that we’re here a lot.

You know, if you remember, my first major speech — sit down, everybody.  Come on.  (Applause.)  You know, the dishonest media, they’ll say he didn’t get a standing ovation.  You know why?  No, you know why?  Because everybody stood and nobody sat, so they will say he never got a standing ovation, right?  (Applause.)  They are the worst.

AUDIENCE:  USA! USA! USA!  (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT:  So — sit down.  (Laughter.)  Donald Trump did not get a standing ovation.  They leave out the part, they never sat down.  They leave that out.  So I just want to thank — but you know, my first major speech was at CPAC.  And probably five or six years ago — first major political speech.  And you were there.

And it was — I loved it.  I love the people.  I love the commotion.  And then they did these polls where I went through the roof, and I wasn’t even running, right?  But it gave me an idea, and I got a little bit concerned when I saw what was happening in the country, and I said, let’s go do it.  So it was very exciting.  I walked the stage on CPAC.  I’ll never forget it, really.  I had very little notes, and even less preparation.  So when you have practically no notes and no preparation, and then you leave and everybody was thrilled, I said, I think I like this business.

I would have come last year, but I was worried that I would be, at that time, too controversial.  We wanted border security.  We wanted very, very strong military.  We wanted all of the things that we’re going to get, and people consider that controversial.  But you didn’t consider it controversial.  (Applause.)

So I’ve been with CPAC for a long time.  All of these years, we’ve been together.  And now you finally have a president.  Finally.  Took you a long time.  Took you a long time.  (Applause.)

And it’s patriots like you that made it happen, believe me — believe me.  You did it because you love your country, because you want a better future for your children, and because you want to make America great again.  (Applause.)

The media didn’t think we would win.

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  They knew. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT:  The pundits — you’re right.  They had an idea.  The pundits didn’t think we would win.  The consultants that suck up all that money.  Oh, they suck it up, they’re so good.  (Laughter.)  They’re not good at politics, but they’re really good at sucking up people’s money.  Especially my opponent’s, because I kept them down to a minimum.

THE PRESIDENT:  But the consultants didn’t think we would win.  But they all underestimated the power of the people — you.  And the people proved them totally wrong.  Never — and this is so true, and this is what’s been happening — never underestimate the people.  Never.  I don’t think it will ever happen again.

And I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news.  It’s fake — phony, fake.  (Applause.)  A few days ago, I called the fake news “the enemy of the people” — and they are.  They are the enemy of the people.  Because they have no sources, they just make them up when there are none.  I saw one story recently where they said nine people have confirmed.  There are no nine people.  I don’t believe there was one or two people.  Nine people.  And I said, give me a break.  Because I know the people.  I know who they talked to.  There were no nine people.  But they say, nine people, and somebody reads it and they think, oh, nine people.  They have nine sources.  They make up sources.

They are very dishonest people.  In fact, in covering my comments, the dishonest media did not explain that I called the fake news the enemy of the people — the fake news.  They dropped off the word “fake.”  And all of the sudden, the story became, the media is the enemy.  They take the word “fake” out, and now I’m saying, oh, no, this is no good.  But that’s the way they are.  So I’m not against the media.  I’m not against the press.  I don’t mind bad stories if I deserve them.  And I tell you, I love good stories, but we won’t — (laughter) — I don’t get too many of them.

But I am only against the fake news media or press — fake, fake.  They have to leave that word.  I’m against the people that make up stories and make up sources.  They shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody’s name.  Let their name be put out there.  Let their name be put out.  (Applause.)  A source says that Donald Trump is a horrible, horrible human being.  Let them say it to my face.  (Applause.)  Let there be no more sources.

And remember this — and in not all in all cases.  I mean, I had a story written yesterday about me in Reuters by a very honorable man.  It was a very fair story.  There are some great reporters around.  They’re talented, they’re honest as the day is long.  They’re great.  But there are some terrible, dishonest people, and they do a tremendous disservice to our country and to our people.  A tremendous disservice.  They are very dishonest people, and they shouldn’t use sources.  They should put the name of the person.  You will see stories dry up like you’ve never seen before.

So you have no idea how bad it is, because if you are not part of the story — and I put myself in your position sometimes, because many of you, you’re not part of the story, and if you’re not part of the story, then you sort of know.  If you are part of the story, you know what they’re saying is true or not.  So when they make it up, and they make up something else, and you saw that before the election — polls, polls.  The polls.  They come out with these polls, and everybody was so surprised.  Actually, a couple of polls got it right.  I must say, Los Angeles Times did a great job.  Shocking, because — you know.  They did a great job.  (Applause.)  And we had a couple of others that were right.

But generally speaking, I mean, I can tell you the network.  Somebody said a poll came out.  And I say, what network is it?  And they’ll say, a certain — let’s not even mention names right?  Should we?

Well, you have a lot of them.  Look, the Clinton new network is one.  (Applause.)  Totally.  Take a look.  Honestly.  Take a look at their polls over the last two years.  Now, you would think they would fire the pollster, right?  After years and years of getting battered.  But I don’t — I mean, who knows, maybe they’re just bad at polling.  Or maybe they’re not legit.  But it’s one or the other.  Look at how inaccurate — look at CBS, look at ABC also.  Look at NBC.  Take a look at some of these polls.  They’re so bad, so inaccurate.

And what that does is it creates a false narrative.  It creates like this narrative that’s just like we’re not going to win, and people say, “Oh, I love Trump, but you know I’m not feeling great today.  He can’t win.  So I won’t go and vote.  I won’t go and vote.”  It creates a whole false deal and we have to fight it folks.  We have to fight it.  They’re very smart, they’re very cunning, and they’re very dishonest.

So just to conclude — I mean, it’s a very sensitive topic, and they get upset when we expose their false stories.  They say that we can’t criticize their dishonest coverage because of the First Amendment.  You know, they always bring up the First Amendment.  (Laughter.)  And I love the First Amendment.  Nobody loves it better than me.  Nobody.  (Applause.)  I mean, who uses it more than I do?

But the First Amendment gives all of us — it gives it to me, it gives it to you, it gives all Americans — the right to speak our minds freely.  It gives you the right and me the right to criticize fake news, and criticize it strongly.  (Applause.)

And many of these groups are part of the large media corporations that have their own agenda, and it’s not your agenda, and it’s not the country’s agenda.  It’s their own agenda.  They have a professional obligation as members of the press to report honestly.  But as you saw throughout the entire campaign, and even now, the fake news doesn’t tell the truth.  Doesn’t tell the truth.

So just in finishing, I say it doesn’t represent the people.  It never will represent the people.  And we’re going to do something about it, because we have to go out and we have to speak our minds, and we have to be honest.  Our victory was a win like nobody has ever seen before.  (Applause.)  And I’m here fighting for you, and I will continue to fight for you.

The victory and the win were something that really was dedicated to a country and people that believe in freedom, security, and the rule of law.  (Applause.)  Our victory was a victory and a win for conservative values.  (Applause.)  And our victory was a win for everyone who believes it’s time to stand up for America, to stand up for the American worker, and to stand up for the American flag.  (Applause.)  Yeah, there we should stand up.  Come on.  (Applause.)  There we should stand up.  Okay.  (Applause.)

And, by the way, we love our flag.  By the way, you folks are in here, the place is packed — there are lines that go back six blocks.  And I tell you that because you won’t read about it, okay?  (Laughter.)  But there are lines that go back six blocks.  There is such love in this country for everything we stand for.  You saw that on Election Day.  (Applause.)  And you’re going to see it more and more.  (Applause.)

So we’re all part of this very historic movement, a movement the likes of which, actually, the world has never seen before.  There’s never been anything like this.  There’s been some movements, but there’s never been anything like this.  There’s been some movements that petered out, like Bernie — petered out.  (Laughter.)  But it was a little rigged against him — superdelegate, superdelegate.  She had so many delegates before the thing even started.  I actually said to my people, how does that happen?  (Laughter.)  Not that I’m a fan of Bernie, but a lot of Bernie people voted for Trump.  You know why?  Because he’s right on one issue:  Trade.  He was right about trade.

Our country is being absolutely devastated with bad trade deals.  So he was right about that, but we’ve got a lot of Bernie support.  So actually, I like Bernie, okay?  I like Bernie.  (Applause.)

But I’m here today to tell you what this movement means for the future of the Republican Party and for the future of America.

First, we need to define what this great, great unprecedented movement is, and what it actually represents.  The core conviction of our movement is that we are a nation that put and will put its own citizens first.  (Applause.)  For too long we’ve traded away our jobs to other countries — so terrible.  We’ve defended other nations’ borders while leaving ours wide open; anybody can come in.


THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, we’re going to build the wall, don’t worry about it.  We’re building the wall.  We’re building the wall.  In fact, it’s going to start soon, way ahead of schedule, way ahead of schedule.  (Applause.)  Way, way, way ahead of schedule.  It’s going to start very soon.  General Kelly, by the way, has done a fantastic job.  Fantastic job he’s done.  (Applause.)

And remember, we are getting the bad ones out.  These are bad dudes.  We’re getting the bad ones out, okay?  We’re getting the bad — if you watch these people it’s like, oh, gee, that’s so sad.  We’re getting bad people out of this country, people that shouldn’t be — whether it’s drugs or murder or other things.  We’re getting bad ones out.  Those are the ones that go first, and I said it from day one.  Basically all I’ve done is keep my promise.  (Applause.)

We’ve spent trillions of dollars overseas while allowing our own infrastructure to fall into total disrepair and decay.  In the Middle East, we’ve spent as of four weeks ago $6 trillion.  Think of it.  And, by the way, the Middle East is in what — I mean, it’s not even close — it’s in much worse shape than it was 15 years ago.  If our Presidents would have gone to the beach for 15 years, we would be in much better shape than we are right now, that I can tell you.  (Applause.)  Yeah, a hell of a lot better.  We could have rebuilt our country three times with that money.

This is the situation that I inherited.  I inherited a mess, believe me.  We also inherited a failed health care law that threatens our medical system with absolute and total catastrophe.

Now, I’ve been watching — and nobody says it — but Obamacare doesn’t work, folks.  I mean, I could say — I could talk — it doesn’t work.  And now people are starting to develop a little warm heart, but the people that you’re watching, they’re not you.  They’re largely — many of them are the side that lost.  You know, they lost the election.  It’s like, how many elections do we have to have?  They lost the election.  (Laughter.)

But I always say, Obamacare doesn’t work.  And these same people two years, and a year ago, were complaining about Obamacare.  And the bottom line:  We’re changing it.  We’re going to make it much better.  We’re going to make it less expensive.  We’re going to make it much better.  Obamacare covers very few people.

And remember, deduct from the number all of the people that had great health care that they loved, that was taken away from them; was taken away from them.  (Applause.)  Millions of people were very happy with their health care.  They had their doctor, they had their plan.  Remember the lie — 28 times.  “You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan” — over and over and over again you heard it.

So we’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare.  (Applause.)  And I tell Paul Ryan and all of the folks that we’re working with very hard — Dr. Tom Price, very talented guy — but I tell them from a purely political standpoint, the single-best thing we can do is nothing.  Let it implode completely — it’s already imploding.  You see the carriers are all leaving.  I mean, it’s a disaster.

But two years don’t do anything.  The Democrats will come to us and beg for help.  They’ll beg, and it’s their problem.  But it’s not the right thing to do for the American people.  It’s not the right thing to do.  (Applause.)

We inherited a national debt that has doubled in eight years.  Think of it — $20 trillion.  It’s doubled.  And we inherited a foreign policy marked by one disaster after another.  We don’t win anymore.  When was the last time we won?  Did we win a war?  Do we win anything?  Do we win anything?  We’re going to win.  We’re going to win big, folks.  We’re going to start winning again, believe me.  We’re going to win.  (Applause.)


THE PRESIDENT:  But we’re taking a firm, bold and decisive measure — we have to — to turn things around.  The era of empty talk is over.  It’s over.  (Applause.)  Now is the time for action.  So let me tell you about the actions that we’re taking right now to deliver on our promise to the American people, and on my promise to make America great again.

We’ve taken swift and strong action to secure the southern border of the United States and to begin the construction of great, great border wall.  (Applause.)  And with the help of our great border police, with the help of ICE, with the help of General Kelly and all of the people that are so passionate about this — our Border Patrol, I’ll tell you what they do.  They came and endorsed me, ICE came and endorsed me.  They never endorsed a presidential candidate before.  They might not even be allowed to.  (Laughter.)  But they were disgusted with what they saw.

And we’ll stop it.  We’ll stop the drugs from pouring into our nation and poisoning our youth.  (Applause.)  Pouring in, pouring in.  We get the drugs, they get the money.  We get the problems, they get the cash.  No good, no good.  Going to stop.

By stopping the flow of illegal immigration, we will save countless tax dollars, and that’s so important because the tax — the dollars that we’re losing are beyond anything that you can imagine.  And the tax dollars that can be used to rebuild struggling American communities — including our inner cities.  (Applause.)

We are also going to save countless American lives.  As we speak today, immigration officers are finding the gang members, the drug dealers and the criminal aliens, and throwing them the hell out of our country.  (Applause.)  And we will not let them back in.  They’re not coming back in, folks.  (Applause.)  If they do, they’re going to have bigger problems than they ever dreamt of.

I’m also working with the Department of Justice to begin reducing violent crime.  I mean, can you believe what’s happening in Chicago, as an example?  Two days ago, seven people were shot —


THE PRESIDENT:  — and, I believe, killed.  Seven people.  Seven people.  Chicago, a great American city.  Seven people shot and killed.

We will support the incredible men and women of law enforcement.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  And thank them.  I’ve also followed through on my campaign promise and withdrawn America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership — (applause) — so that we can protect our economic freedom.  And we are going to make trade deals, but we’re going to do one-on-one, one-on-one.  And if they misbehave, we terminate the deal.  And then they’ll come back, and we’ll make a better deal.  (Applause.)  None of these big quagmire deals that are a disaster.  Just take a look — by the way, take a look at NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever made  by any country having to do with economic development.  It’s economic undevelopment as far as our country is concerned.

We’re preparing to repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare.  (Applause.)  We’re going to save Americans from this crisis, and give them the access to the quality healthcare they need and deserve.

We have authorized the construction, one day, of the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines.  (Applause.)  And issued a new rule.  This took place while I was getting ready to sign.  I said, who makes the pipes for the pipeline?  Well, sir, it comes from all over the world, isn’t that wonderful?  I said, nope, it comes from the United States or we’re not building one.  (Applause.)  American steel.   If they want a pipeline in the United States, they’re going to use pipe that’s made in the United States, do we agree?  (Applause.)

But can you imagine — I told this story the other day — can you imagine the gentleman — never met him, don’t even know the name of his company.  I actually sort of know it, but I want to get it exactly correct.  Big, big, powerful company.  They spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the pipeline — same thing with the Dakota, different place.  They got their approvals, everything, in the case of Dakota, then all of a sudden they couldn’t connect it because they had people protesting that never showed up before.

But with the Keystone — so they spend hundreds of millions of dollars with bloodsucker consultants, you know, sucking the blood out of the company — “don’t worry, I use them all my life; okay, don’t worry, we’re going to get it approved, I’m connected, I’m a lobbyist, don’t worry.”  Bottom line, Obama didn’t sign it.  Could be 42,000 jobs — somewhere around there.  A lot of jobs.  Didn’t sign it.  But can you imagine — he gave up.  A year ago it was dead.

Now he’s doing nothing, calling his wife, “Hello, darling, I’m a little bored, you know that pipeline?”  That has killed us, that has killed our company.  Knock, knock.  “Mr. so-and-so, the Keystone pipeline, sir, out of nowhere, has just been approved.”  (Applause.)  Now, can you imagine the expression?  And you know the sad part?  The same bloodsucking consultants that hit him for all the money and failed?  They’re now going to go back to him and say, didn’t we do a great job?  We want more money, right, because that’s the way the system works.  A little bit off, but that’s the way the system works.

We’re preparing bold action to lift the restrictions on American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas, and beautiful clean coal, and we’re going to put our miners back to work.  (Applause.)  Miners are going back to work.  (Applause.)  Miners are going back to work, folks.  Sorry to tell you that, but they’re going back to work.

We have begun a historic program to reduce the regulations that are crushing our economy — crushing.  And not only our economy, crushing our jobs, because companies can’t hire.  We’re going to put the regulation industry out of work and out of business.  (Applause.)  And, by the way, I want regulation.  I want to protect our environment.  I want regulations for safety.  I want all of the regulations that we need, and I want them to be so strong and so tough.  But we don’t need 75 percent of the repetitive, horrible regulations that hurt companies, hurt jobs, make us noncompetitive overseas with other companies from other countries.  That, we don’t need.  But we’re going to have regulations.  It’s going to be really strong and really good, and we’re going to protect our environment, and we’re going to protect the safety of our people and our workers.  (Applause.)

Another major promise is tax reform.  We are going to massively lower taxes on the middle class, reduce taxes on American business, and make our tax code more simple and much more fair for everyone, including the people and the business.  (Applause.)

In anticipation of these and other changes, jobs are already starting to pour back into our country — you see that.  In fact, I think I did more than any other pre-President — they say President-elect.  President-elect is meeting with Ford, he’s meeting with Chrysler, he’s meeting with General Motors.  I just wanted to save a little time.  (Laughter.)  Because Ford and Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Intel and so many others are now, because of the election result, making major investments in the United States, expanding production and hiring more workers.  And they’re going back to Michigan, and they’re going back to Ohio, and they’re going back to Pennsylvania, and they’re going back to North Carolina, and to Florida.  (Applause.)

It’s time for all Americans to get off of welfare and get back to work.  You’re going to love it!  You’re going to love it.  You are going to love it.  (Applause.)

We’re also putting in a massive budget request for our beloved military.  (Applause.)  And we will be substantially upgrading all of our military — all of our military.  Offensive, defensive, everything.  Bigger and better and stronger than ever before.  And hopefully, we’ll never have to use it.  But nobody is going to mess with us, folks.  Nobody.  (Applause.)

It will be one of the greatest military buildups in American history.  No one will dare to question — as they have been, because we’re very depleted, very, very depleted.  Sequester.  Sequester.  Nobody will dare question our military might again.  We believe in peace through strength, and that’s what we will have.  (Applause.)

As part of my pledge to restore safety for the American people, I have also directed the defense community to develop a plan to totally obliterate ISIS.  (Applause.)  Working with our allies, we will eradicate this evil from the face of the Earth.  (Applause.)

At the same time, we fully understand that national security begins with border security.  Foreign terrorists will not be able to strike America if they cannot get into our country.  (Applause.)  And by the way, take a look at what’s happening in Europe, folks.  Take a look at what’s happening in Europe.  I took a lot of heat on Sweden.  (Laughter.)  And then a day later, I said, has anybody reported what’s going on?  And it turned out that they didn’t — not too many of them did.  (Laughter.)  Take a look at what happened in Sweden.  I love Sweden.  Great country.  Great people.  I love Sweden.  But they understand I’m right.  The people over there understand I’m right.  Take a look at what’s happening in Sweden.  Take a look at what’s happening in Germany.  Take a look at what’s happened in France.  Take a look at Nice and Paris.

I have a friend — he’s a very, very substantial guy.  He loves the City of Lights.  He loves Paris.  For years, every year, during the summer, he would go to Paris — it was automatic — with his wife and his family.  I hadn’t seen him in a while.  And I said, Jim, let me ask you a question:  How’s Paris doing?  “Paris?  I don’t go there anymore.  Paris is no longer Paris.”  That was four years — four, five years — hasn’t gone there.  He wouldn’t miss it for anything.  Now he doesn’t even think in terms of going there.  Take a look at what’s happening to our world, folks, and we have to be smart.  We have to be smart.  We can’t let it happen to us.  (Applause.)

So let me state this as clearly as I can:  We are going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.  (Applause.)  We will not be deterred from this course, and in a matter of days, we will be taking brand new action to protect out people and keep America safe.  You will see the action.  (Applause.)

I will never, ever apologize for protecting the safety and security of the American people.  I won’t do it.  (Applause.)  If it means I get bad press, if it means people speak badly of me, it’s okay.  It doesn’t bother me.  The security of our people is number one — is number one.  (Applause.)  Our administration is running with great efficiency, even though I still don’t have my Cabinet approved.  Nobody mentions that.  Do you know I still have people out there waiting to be approved?  And everyone knows they’re going to be approved.  It’s just a delay, delay, delay.  It’s really sad.  It’s really sad.  And these are great people.  These are some great people.  We still don’t have our Cabinet.  I assume we’re setting records for that.  That’s the only thing good about it is we’re setting records.  I love setting records.  (Applause.)  But I hate having a Cabinet meeting and I see all these empty seats.  I said, Democrats, please, approve our Cabinet and get smart on health care too, if you don’t mind.  (Applause.)

But we’re taking meetings every day with top leaders in business, in science, and industry.  Yesterday, I had 29 of the biggest business leaders in the world in my office — Caterpillar tractor, Campbell’s Soup.  We had everybody.  We had everybody.  I like Campbell’s Soup.  (Laughter and applause.)  We had everybody, and we came to a lot of very good conclusions, and a lot of those folks that are in that room are going to be building big, big massive new plants, and lots of jobs.  And you know what?  They’re going to be building them in this country, not in some other country.  (Applause.)

We’re meeting with unions, meeting with law enforcement, and we’re meeting with leaders from all around the world, where the White House doors used to be totally closed — they were closed, folks.  You don’t realize that.  They were closed.  They’re now wide open.  And they’re open for people doing business for our country and putting people to work.  (Applause.)

And when they come into the White House, we’re translating these meetings into action.  One by one, we’re checking off the promises we made to the people of the United States.  One by one — a lot of promises.  And we will not stop until the job is done.  We will reduce your taxes.  We will cut your regulations.  We will support our police.  We will defend our flag.  (Applause.)  We will rebuild our military.  We will take care of our great, great veterans.  We’re taking care of our veterans.  (Applause.)

We will fix our broken and embarrassing trade deals that are no good — none of them.  You wonder, where did the people come from that negotiated these deals?  Where did they come from?


THE PRESIDENT:  Well, they came also from campaign contributions, I must be honest with you.  They’re not as stupid as you think.  (Laughter.)

We will cut wasteful spending.  We will promote our values.  We will rebuild our inner cities.  We will bring back our jobs and our dreams.  So true.  (Applause.)  So true.

And, by the way, we will protect our Second Amendment.  (Applause.)  You know, Wayne and Chris are here from the NRA, and they didn’t have that on the list.  It’s lucky I thought about it.  (Laughter.)  But we will indeed.  And they’re great people.  And by the way, they love our country.  They love our country.  The NRA has been a great supporter.  They love our country.

The forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no longer.  That is the heart of this new movement and the future of the Republican Party.  People came to vote, and these people — the media — they said, where are they coming from?  What’s going on here?  These are hardworking, great, great Americans.  These are unbelievable people who have not been treated fairly.  Hillary called them “deplorable”.  They’re not deplorable.

AUDIENCE:  Booo — lock her up!  Lock her up!  Lock her up!

THE PRESIDENT:  Who would have thought that a word was going to play so badly.  That’s the problem in politics.  One wrong word and it’s over.  She also said irredeemable, but we won’t mention that.

The GOP will be, from now on, the party also of the American worker.  (Applause.)  You know, we haven’t been, as a group, given credit for this, but if you look at how much bigger our party has gotten during this cycle.  During the early days when we had 17 people running — the primaries — millions and millions of people were joining.  Now, I won’t say it was because of me, but it was, okay.  (Applause.)

And we have an amazing, strong, powerful party that truly does want to see America be great again, and it will see it.  And it’s going to see it a lot sooner than you think, believe me.  A lot sooner than you think.  (Applause.)

We will not answer to donors or lobbyists or special interests, but we will serve the citizens of the United States of America, believe me.  Global cooperation — dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries — is good.  It’s very important.  But there is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency, or a global flag.  This is the United States of America that I’m representing.  I’m not representing the globe.  I’m representing your country.  (Applause.)


THE PRESIDENT:  There is one allegiance that unites us all, and that is to America.  America — it’s the allegiance to America.

No matter our background, or income, or geography, we are all citizens of this blessed land.  And no matter our color, or the blood, the color of the blood we bleed, it’s the same red blood of great, great patriots.  Remember.  Great patriots.  (Applause.)

We all salute, with pride, the same American Flag.  And we are equal — totally equal — in the eyes of Almighty God.  We’re equal.  (Applause.)  Thank you.

And I want to thank, by the way, the evangelical community, the Christian community.  (Applause.)  Communities of faith — rabbis and priests and pastors, ministers — because the support for me was a record, as you know, not only in terms of numbers of people, but percentages of those numbers that voted for Trump.  So I want to thank you folks.  It was amazing — an amazing outpouring, and I will not disappoint you.

As long as we have faith in each other, and trust in God, then there is no goal, at all, beyond our reach.  There is no dream too large, no task too great.  We are Americans, and the future belongs to us.  The future belongs to all of you.  (Applause.)  And America is coming about, and it’s coming back, and it’s roaring and you can hear it.  It’s going to be bigger and better.  It is going to be.  It is going to be.  Remember.  And it’s roaring.  It’s going to be bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before.  (Applause.)

I want to thank you.  And Matt and Mercedes, I want to thank the two of you, and all of the supporters that I have.  I see them.  They’re all over the place.  You are really great people.  I want to thank you.

And I want to say to you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.  Thank you, folks.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

11:04 A.M. EST

Full Text Political Transcripts March 8, 2014: Sarah Palin’s Speech at CPAC 2014 Dr. Seus & Criticizes Obama’s Ukraine Policy — Excerpts



Sarah Palin’s CPAC 2014 Speech

Photo by T.J. Kirkpatrick/Getty Images

“How do you convey to Putin the threat that sounds like ‘Vladimir don’t mess around or you’re going to feel my flexibility because I’ve got a phone and I’ve got a pen and I can dial really fast and poke you with my pen — pinkie promise.’”

“I’m probably being too hard on the president. After all, who could’ve seen this coming?”

“Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.”

“Hey Democrats! It’s your leaders who are demeaning women. Liberals seem to think the women of America are cheap dates.”

“I do believe that the eyes of America are open. Unfortunately though, some would want you to hit the snooze button and roll back over. Like ‘Hush America, go back to sleep little lambs,’ Some of these folks are in the GOP establishment.”

“Thank you, Texas because liberty needs a Congress on Cruz control. The awakening began, and Sen. Ted Cruz helped keep them awake. His filibuster, it worked in waking people up to the folly of a government takeover.”

“He told his colleagues it was time, time to stand up, time to use the tools of the Constitution, the power of the purse and to fulfill their campaign promises and to stop Obamacare. But our army balked. We hoped that they were just reloading, but instead they retreated, and worse, worse, they joined the lapdogs in the lamestream to trash the foot soldiers who had fought for America.”

“I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his healthcare scam. I do not like these dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress stills. I do not like their crony deals. I do not like the spying man. I do not like ‘Oh yes we can.’ I do not like this spending spree. We’re smart we know there’s nothing free. I do not like reporters’ smug replies when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope. And we won’t take it, nope, nope, nope. Hat tip the Internet.”

“Run, Sarah, Run!”

“I should, I didn’t get to run this morning. I was so busy. Did some hot yoga and didn’t get to run.”

Political Headlines March 8, 2014: CPAC 2014: Rand Paul wins second consecutive CPAC straw poll





2014 CPAC: Rand Paul wins second consecutive CPAC straw poll

Source: WaPo, 3-8-14

One day after riveting a packed convention ballroom, tea party darling Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) topped the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, his second consecutive victory in the conservative confab’s contest. Paul won 31 percent….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 17, 2013: Michele Bachmann Unveils New Approach At CPAC 2013





Bachmann Unveils New Approach At CPAC

Source: CBS Local, 3-17-13

But she got a warm welcome when she stood before the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in suburban Washington, D.C.. She talked about the conservative movement being one of “care and compassion.”…READ MORE

Political Headlines March 16, 2013: Rand Paul Edges Marco Rubio to Win CPAC Straw Poll & Full Results List





Rand Paul Edges Marco Rubio in CPAC Straw Poll

Source: ABC News Radio, 3-16-13

United States Senate

Could Rand Paul run for president in 2016?

The Kentucky senator emerged as the potential 2016 presidential candidate preferred by the largest share of those who participated in a straw poll at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference. Paul commanded 25 percent of straw poll voters, while another possible GOP contender, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, was close on his heels with 23 percent, according to the results of the survey announced on Sunday….READ MORE

Ky. Sen. Rand Paul — 25 percent
Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio — 23 percent
Other/Write-in — 14 percent
Former Pa. Sen. Rick Santorum — 8 percent
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie — 7 percent
Wis. Congressman Paul Ryan — 6 percent
Wis. Gov. Scott Walker — 5 percent
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson — 4 percent
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz — 4 percent
La. Gov. Bobby Jindal — 3 percent
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin — 3 percent
Undecided — 1 percent

2013 CPAC Presidential Straw Poll ballot:
N.H. Sen. Kelly Ayotte
Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson
N.J. Gov. Chris Christie
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz
Former Ind. Gov. Mitch Daniels
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley
La. Gov. Bobby Jindal
Ohio Gov. John Kasich
N.M. Gov. Susana Martinez
Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Ky. Sen. Rand Paul
Ind. Gov. Mike Pence
Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Ohio Sen. Rob Portman
Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio
Wis. Congressman Paul Ryan
Former Pa. Sen. Rick Santorum
S.C. Sen. Tim Scott
S.D. Sen. John Thune
Wis. Gov. Scott Walker

Political Headlines March 16, 2013: Rand Paul Narrowly Defeats Marco Rubio to Win 2013 CPAC Straw Poll





Rand Paul Narrowly Defeats Marco Rubio to Win 2013 CPAC Straw Poll

Source: ABC News (blog), 3-16-13

Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Ron Paul won in 2010 and 2011. Romney won again in 2012. This year’s poll was sponsored by The Washington Times and conducted by the GOP firm, Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 16, 2013: Rand Paul Wins CPAC 2013 Straw Poll





Conservatives back Rand Paul in early poll

Source: Reuters, 3-16-13‎

Conservative activists picked Senator Rand Paul on Saturday as their preferred presidential nominee for 2016, in an early but often unreliable snapshot….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 16, 2013: CPAC Gets a Pep Talk From Sarah Palin





CPAC Gets a Pep Talk From Sarah Palin

Source: NYT, 3-16-13

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas introduced Sarah Palin on Saturday, crediting her for his election.

Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas introduced Sarah Palin on Saturday, crediting her for his election.

In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Sarah Palin attacked President Obama and Beltway Republican groups….READ MORE

Full Text Political Headlines March 16, 2013: Sarah Palin’s Speech at CPAC 2013 Excerpts — Compares Obama to Bernie Madoff, Sips From a Big Gulp and Jokes About Her (Gun) ‘Rack’





Sarah Palin Compares Obama to Bernie Madoff, Sips From a Big Gulp and Jokes About Her (Gun) ‘Rack’

Source: ABC News, 3-16-13

abc cpac sarah palin 4 jt 130316 wblog Sarah Palin Compares Obama to Bernie Madoff, Sips From a Big Gulp and Jokes About Her (Gun) Rack(ABC News)

On President Barack Obama: He is considered a good politician, which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesmen. The difference being, the president is using our money.

Background checks? Yeah, I guess to learn more about a person’s thinking and associations and intentions. More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President — should have started with yours.

On gun ownership: You should have seen what Todd got me for Christmas. Well, It wasn’t that exciting. It was a metal rack, case for hunting rifles to put on the back of a four-wheeler. Then though, I had to get something for him to put in the gun case, right. So, this go around, he’s got the rifle, I got the rack.

On Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s large soda ban: Palin held up a Big Gulp, sipped from a straw and said: Bloomberg is not around, our big gulps are safe. We’re cool. Shoot, it’s just pop with low-cal ice-cubes in it.

On the current state of politics in Washington: We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington, we have reality television.

On young conservatives: My only piece of advice to our young college Republicans is you’ve got to be thinking Sam Adams, not drinking Sam Adams. And that’s just a joke.  I don’t want to know hear from the CEO of some brewery accusing me of being an anti beer-ite.

On freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who introduced her: We need more Americans like Ted Cruz. Coming from Texas, Ted Cruz comes to town, chews barbed wire, and spits out rust.

On Obama administration transparency: Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama, you lie.

Full Text Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Mitt Romney’s Speech at CPAC 2013 the 40th Conservative Political Action Conference





Transcript: Mitt Romney’s Speech at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference

Source: ABC News, 3-15-13

PHOTO: Mitt Romney

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gestures as he speaks at the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Md., March 15, 2013. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP Photo)

The following is Mitt Romney’s address as prepared for delivery Friday, March 15, at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md.:

What an honor to be introduced by Governor Nikki Haley, a woman of uncommon courage and conviction; whose principles have guided her governance. We need more governors like her!

I’ve also had the honor of your support from the very beginning. You gave my campaign an early boost. You worked on the front lines—promoting my campaign, turning out voters. Thank you.

With help from so many of you, I had the honor of becoming my party’s nominee for president. I was given the privilege of experiencing America in ways Ann and I had never imagined. Across this great country, our fellow citizens opened up their homes and hearts to us.

Of course, I left the race disappointed that we didn’t win. But I also left honored and humbled to have represented values we believe in and to speak for so many good and decent people. We’ve lost races before, and in the past, those setbacks prepared us for larger victories. It is up to us to make sure that we learn from my mistakes, and from our mistakes, so that we can win the victories those people and this nation depend upon.

It’s fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about America, about conservative solutions, about the Republican Party. I utterly reject that pessimism. We may not have carried the day last November 7th, but we haven’t lost the country we love, and we haven’t lost our way. Our nation is still full of aspirations and hungry for new solutions. We’re a nation of invention and of reinventing. My optimism about America wasn’t diminished by my campaign; no, it grew—It grew as I came to know more of our fellow Americans.

I have seen American determination in people like Debbi Sommers. She runs a furniture rental business for conventions in Las Vegas. When 9/11 hit and again when the recession tanked the conventions business, she didn’t give up, close down, or lay off her people. She taught them not just to rent furniture, but also to manufacture it.

I’ve seen perseverance. Harold Hamm drove a truck for ten years so that he could afford to go to college. He majored in Geology. Studying geological surveys, he concluded that there should be oil in North Dakota. He went there and drilled a well. It was dry. I’m told that it costs about $2 million to drill a dry hole. But he kept on drilling. 16 dry holes later, they called it Harold’s folly. That changed with the 17th. The Bakken range he discovered is estimated by some to hold as much as 500 billion barrels of oil.

I’ve seen risk taking. The flagging lumber business and mounting losses convinced International Paper Corporation that they needed to shut down their lumber mill in Ossipee, New Hampshire. Into the breech stepped Jim Smith and Kim Moore, the plant manager and sales manager. They borrowed and invested everything they could, to buy the broken business. They saved their jobs and 30 other peoples’ jobs, growing sales from $5 million a year to $50 million.

I’ve met people of great faith. I sat in the home of Billy Graham and in the residence of Cardinal Dolan and prayed with these men of God.

I met heroes in our armed forces: men and women who re-signed with the National Guard after multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan, knowing that in all probability, they would be going back again.

I met heroes in the homes of the nation: single moms who are working two jobs so that their kids will have clothes like those that the other kids wear, dads who almost forget what a weekend is, because of all the jobs they’ve taken on to keep the house.

We are a patriotic people. The heart of America is good. Our land is blessed by the hand of God; may we as a people always be worthy of His grace, and His protection.

Like you, I believe a Conservative vision can attract a majority of Americans and form a governing coalition of renewal and reform. As someone who just lost the last election, I’m probably not the best person to chart the course for the next election. That said, I do have advice. Perhaps because I am a former governor, I would urge you to learn the lessons that come from some of our greatest success stories: the 30 Republican governors.

Yes, they are winning elections, but more importantly, they are solving problems. Big problems. Important problems. Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia secured a constitutional amendment to expand charter schools. Governor Rick Snyder signed Right to Work legislation—in Michigan! Several secured tort reform. Many turned huge deficits into surpluses. Republican governors reached across the aisle, offered innovative solutions and have been willing to take the heat to make tough decisions.

We need the ideas and leadership of each of these governors. We particularly need to hear from the Governors of the blue and purple states, like Bob McDonnell, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Susanna Martinez, Chris Christie, and Brian Sandoval because their states are among those we must win to take the Senate and the White House.

We can also learn from the examples of principle, passion and leadership that we have seen during these last several weeks from fellow conservatives here in Washington. I may be a little biased, but I applaud the clear and convincing voice of my friend, Paul Ryan.

If I were to offer advice to any president of the United States, it would be this: do whatever you can do to keep America the most prosperous and free and powerful nation on earth.

It is no secret that the last century was an American century. And it is no secret that over the span of the 21st century, America’s pre-eminent position is far from guaranteed. The consequence if America were to be surpassed would be devastating. Why? Because among the primary rivals for world leadership—China, Russia, and the Jihadists—not one believes in the freedoms we take for granted. Freedom depends on American leadership.

American leadership depends on a military so strong, so superior, that no one would think to engage it. Our military strength depends on an economy so strong that it can support such a military. And our economy depends on a people so strong, so educated, so resolute, so hard working, so inventive, and so devoted to their children’s future, that other nations look at us with respect and admiration.

That is the America we grew up in, and it is the America our children deserve.

What other nation would have enjoyed hegemonic military power for a quarter of a century, and never have used it to seek revenge against its former foes or to seize precious natural resources from the weak?

What nation is the most philanthropic in the world, the first to bind up the wounds of the injured from hurricanes, tsunamis, and war?

What nation is the largest contributor to the fight against AIDS in Africa?

Who came to the rescue of Europe when it faced its darkest hour and came to the rescue of others under the threat of tyranny, in Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Bosnia, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq? Whatever you think of these interventions, the impulse behind them was liberation, not conquest. In all of human history, there has never been a great power that has so often used its power to liberate others from subjugation, to set the captives free. This we must teach our children, and never ourselves forget.

I’m inspired by a people who believe in and live for something greater than themselves—whether their faith, their country, their family, their school.

I marvel at the prescience, the brilliance and the sacrifices made by the nation’s Founders.

I’m proud of our immigrant heritage, proud that so many of us and of our ancestors came here because they wanted to be here, to build a better future for their children here, to worship their God here.

At a campaign stop in Texas, I met a Cambodian-American named Sichan Siv. Sichan came here in 1976, escaping the killing fields of Cambodia. His first job was picking fruit, then he drove a cab in New York City. He later volunteered on the campaign of George H.W. Bush. Thirteen years after coming to America he went to work in the White House. And then, he was appointed as a United States Ambassador to the United Nations. He said that whenever he stood to speak in behalf of America, his emotions choked, and he asked himself in what other nation could an impoverished Cambodian refugee have become its Ambassador.

America began with an idea, a noble one. That idea was that every person is endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights. Freedom flows in American veins. It invigorates our many enterprises, it inspires us to live beyond ourselves, it calls us to care for the suffering and downtrodden. It has made us a great nation.

Today, history and duty summon us again. The country is imperiled by mounting debt, by failing institutions, by families stressed beyond their limits, by schools that fail to make the grade, and by public servants who are more intent on scoring political points than on national renewal.

Each of us in our own way will have to step up and meet our responsibility. I am sorry that I will not be your president – but I will be your co-worker and I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you. In the end, we will win just as we have won before, and for the same reason: because our cause is right…and just.

Thank you again for your help and support along our journey. Ann and I will treasure these memories all the days of our lives. God bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Mitt Romney Admits ‘Mistakes’ in CPAC Speech





Mitt Romney Admits ‘Mistakes’ in CPAC Speech

Source: ABC News Radio, 3-15-13

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

In his first public speech since losing the presidential election, a humbled Mitt Romney addressed a crowd of conservatives who supported his 2012 campaign and told them his loss “prepared” them for “larger victories” ahead….READ MORE

READ the transcript of Mitt Romney’s CPAC Speech

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: CPAC 2013: Hearing from some of the possible next GOP standard bearers





CPAC 2013: Hearing from some of the possible next GOP standard bearers

Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog), 3-15-13

We’re approaching the midpoint of CPAC 2013, and we’ve heard from about half of the people expected to be contenders in 2016….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Mitt Romney: GOP, conservatives ‘have not lost our way’ at CPAC 2013





Romney: GOP, conservatives ‘have not lost our way’

Source: USA TODAY, 3-15-13

The event known as CPAC often shines the spotlight on the up-and-comers of the Republican Party and is a critical proving ground for presidential hopefuls. More than a dozen potential 2016 presidential candidates — including Sens. Marco Rubio and Rand Paul….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: In rambling CPAC speech, Donald Trump says GOP ‘in serious trouble’





In rambling CPAC speech, Donald Trump says GOP ‘in serious trouble’

Source: Washington Post (blog), 3-15-13 

Celebrity mogul Donald Trump opened the second day of the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference with a speech that combined dire predictions about the GOP’s future with boasts about his own career. “The Republican Party is in serious trouble”….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: NRA President Wayne LaPierre Tells VP Joe Biden, ‘Keep Your Advice, We’ll Keep Our Guns’ at at CPAC 2013 the 40th Conservative Political Action Conference





NRA President Tells Biden, ‘Keep Your Advice, We’ll Keep Our Guns’

Source: ABC News Radio, 3-15-13


Friday is the second day of the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference — an annual gathering in Washington, D.C., where members of the GOP meet to cement their ideology and try out potential presidential nominees for the coming years.

In his speech at CPAC, the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre mocked Vice President Joe Biden for his advice that women should fire a shotgun two times in the air if they are faced by an attacker and accused the vice president and the White House of having “lost their minds.”…READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul at CPAC 2013





Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul

Source: Washington Post (blog), 3-15-13

The two hottest conservatives in the Senate came to CPAC on Thursday showing their respective strengths. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) appeared back to back, maybe a preview of a heavyweight fight in 2016….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Conservatives Take Up Question of Change at CPAC 2013 Retreat the 40th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference





Conservatives Take Up Question of Change at Retreat

Source: NYT, 3-15-13 

Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney will be among those speaking Friday on the way forward for the G.O.P….READ MORE

Political Headlines March 15, 2013: Live Blogging CPAC 2013: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Donald Trump to Speak on Second Day





LIVE UPDATES: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Donald Trump to Speak at Second Day of CPAC 2013

Source: ABC News Radio, 3-15-13

Friday is the second day of the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference – an annual gathering in Washington, D.C. where members of the GOP meet to cement their ideology and try out potential presidential nominees for the coming years. Today Republican party leaders and celebrities will speak at the conference, including Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. Read background about the event here.

Live updates and behind-the-scenes looks throughout the day….READ MORE

Full Text Political Headlines March 14, 2013: Jim DeMint’s Speech at CPAC 2013 the 40th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference





Jim DeMint’s Speech at CPAC 2013

Source: Heritage Foundation, 3-14-13

You may have heard that I recently received a big promotion. That’s right. I was promoted from the U.S. Senate and ranking member on the powerful Commerce Committee to The Heritage Foundation. Some people have wondered why I would leave the most debilitated body in the world to help lead the freedom movement in America. The answer is simple. The President and the Congress will not solve America’s problems unless the people force them to. Washington is America’s problem. We are the solution. And the situation is too urgent to wait until the next election. The conservative movement must get its act together and act now to save our nation.

Ed Feulner, the current President and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, recently joined me and a team of Heritage freedom-fighters on a cross-country tour that covered 12 cities. Thousands of people came out for rallies and meetings. We told them how we were working with a large coalition of conservative organizations and state policy groups to build public support for conservative ideas. We told them how Heritage Action is working with coalition partners to hold lawmakers accountable and to organize grassroots support for congressmen and senators who stand for conservative principles.

The people who came to our rallies were a little discouraged when they showed up, but by the time they left, they were full of hope and ready to jump back into the ring to fight for their country. All they want is leadership. They want champions who will stand up to the progressives, take on the liberal media and push back against the Republican leadership when they go wobbly. Their message to us is … if we will be their champions – and lead with courage and bold ideas — they will join us.

Speaking of champions, did any of you happen to see Rand Paul on C-SPAN last week? Senator Paul, along with Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio and others took a courageous and principled stand. Their courage inspired the nation. Americans are hungry for some genuine conviction and passion. And there are many new champions of freedom with conviction and passion in the House and Senate. It is our job to make sure they are heard and that their ideas are supported by the American people.

Rand Paul’s filibuster should remind us that one person with the courage of his convictions can inspire the American people — including young people, women and minorities — and it should also remind us that a national conservative movement with leaders who have the courage to stand for bold, visionary ideas can change the course of our nation and save freedom for the next generation.

After the last election, a group of downcast conservative leaders here in Washington asked me to speak to them about the future of the conservative movement. They wanted to know what conservatives should do. My answer was simple: get up, spit out a few teeth, wipe the blood off your lip and get back in the fight.

Our situation is a lot like the boxer who had been knocked down multiple times in the third round, he was bloodied and could barely pull himself off the canvas before the referee counted him out. He was about to get knocked down again when he was saved by the bell. He stumbled to his corner and collapsed on his stool. Then his manager whispered in his ear, “You’ve got him right where you want him.”

Tonight, you are the boxer and I am the manager. I’m here to tell you how we have President Obama and the whole liberal progressive movement right where we want them.

To understand where we are as a movement and our path forward, we must remember that there is a distinction between the Republican Party and the conservative movement. National Republican leaders have not advanced a conservative agenda for almost 20 years. Not since the first few years of the Republican revolution in the 1990s – when welfare reform and a balanced budget were passed – have Republicans in Congress seriously championed conservative ideas. By the time I arrived in the House in 1998, my party was increasing spending and handing out earmarks like candy to help our members get re-elected.

Two years later, when George W. Bush was elected and Republicans still controlled both houses of Congress, spending and earmarks exploded, the federal role in education was vastly expanded with No Child Left Behind, Medicare was expanded to include prescription drugs, and numerous other new federal programs were created.

In 2004, when I was elected to the Senate, the spending binge continued. By 2006, Americans had seen enough and Republicans lost the majority in both houses. This was not a rejection of conservative policies. In 2008, things got even worse as Republicans helped pass bailouts for big banks on Wall Street and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Barack Obama was elected and Republicans lost more seats in the House and Senate.

But it wasn’t long before the far-left policies of Obama and the rudderless Republicans finally woke Americans from their apathy. Americans from all walks of life – conservatives, libertarians, independents, and even recovering liberals – came together in groups called Tea Parties all across the country. They had a unified, simple message. “Stop the spending, borrowing, bailouts and government takeovers … and restore constitutional limited government.”

The majority of Americans agreed with these ideas. This was the opportunity for Republicans to embrace the movement and build that big tent our leaders have been talking about for years. Instead, the national Republican leadership rejected the Tea Party and, along with the liberal media, participated in vilifying the movement.

But many Republican candidates did embrace the Tea Party and the ideas that were uniting America. Many of them defeated establishment Republicans and went on to help Republicans take the majority in the House and gain seats in the Senate. This was the election that brought us Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and many champions in the House who ran their campaigns on cutting spending, banning earmarks and balancing the budget.

But even after these remarkable gains, some establishment Republicans blamed the Tea Party for keeping them from winning the majority in the Senate.

In 2012, with the Presidential election on the line, national Republican leadership rejected the lessons of 2010 and went back to the old way of campaigning – millions of dollars of negative television advertising telling Americans all the bad things about President Obama. They didn’t even try to inspire America with a bold positive vision. The Democrats, on the other hand, used the lessons of the Tea Party, built a grassroots network with voter registration in key demographics and states, and used a high-tech get-out-the-vote campaign to destroy Romney and defeat many Republicans.

As the leaders of the conservative movement, we need to recognize what worked in 2010 and build on it.

First: Republicans didn’t lead in 2010 … conservatives did. Conservatives from all walks of life made our ideas so persuasive and so pervasive across America, that many Republican candidates embraced them and rode our backs to victory. When we take control of our ideas and our message and convince Americans that these ideas will make their lives better, their futures brighter and their country stronger – the politics will follow us. If we do our job, candidates from all political parties will have to embrace our ideas and principles to get elected.

Second: We must have a permanent, from the ground up grassroots organization. That’s why Heritage created Heritage Action. They are promoting our ideas and holding Congress accountable by working with coalition groups across America to organize grassroots activists.

Third: We must learn how to communicate our ideas to all demographic groups and explain how conservative policies benefit 100 percent of Americans. School choice is a conservative policy that is specifically designed to help low income, minority students escape the shackles of failing public schools. Workplace freedom is a policy designed to increase the freedom of union members, to join or not join a union. Entitlement reform is designed to ensure low-income and middle-income Americans have the same freedom in retirement that wealthy Americans enjoy, the chance to control their own health care and income.

Fourth: We must tell the stories about real people whose lives have been transformed by conservative policies and contrast them with the stories of the people who are being victimized by liberal progressive policies.

People like Joe Kelley, a single father here in Washington, calls the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program a “blessing” for his children. By the fifth grade, his son Rashawn was three years behind in the public school system. Kelley had to get a court order for the school to provide Rashawn with a tutor after finding out that the school hadn’t fulfilled its requirement to update his son’s individual education plan.

Beyond the academic failures, Kelley says the school was so bad that “eight police officers patrolled it every day, yet kids were still scared of getting jumped.”

As a result of the scholarship, Rashawn was able to switch to a private school. He caught up to his grade level within two years and is today a high school graduate attending the University of the District of Columbia.

We must do more for the other Rashawns out there who need our help. The good news for us is that conservatives now control more states than ever before. Bold governors and state legislators are proving that our ideas work.

States like Tennessee that have eliminated their income tax and replaced it with a consumption tax have seen their economies boom. States like Indiana that have adopted freedom in the workplace and states like North Dakota that have opened their own energy resources have created new jobs and more opportunities for their citizens. States like Florida that have promoted education freedom have seen more students succeed … especially minorities. And states like Texas that have passed tort reform have seen the best doctors from all over the world move to their state – improving healthcare and lowering costs for everyone.

Our ideas work!

We know where Obama’s policies end up. Look at Greece and Europe. Look at California and Illinois. And look very closely at Detroit where big government liberals and union bosses have controlled city government for over 50 years. Detroit is bankrupt and elected officials have been replaced with a dictator … I mean director. Their population has decreased by more than half in the last 50 years. Only 7 percent of eighth graders read at grade level. Unemployment for Hispanics and African Americans is near 40 percent. Gangs and violence are rampant. There are over 400 liquor stores in Detroit, but not one chain supermarket. Detroit is a showcase for the liberal agenda. Like I said, “we’ve got em right where we want ’em.”

Our ideas make life better for everyone. Their ideas destroy lives and bankrupt cities, states and nations. If we can’t convince people of these facts, we are failing our fellow citizens.

Conservatives are committed to serve 100 percent of Americans – whether they vote for us or not. We will not rest until every American can reach the ladder of opportunity and climb as high as they can dream.

But none of our ideas, our policies or our communications will make any difference unless we show up. People won’t care about what we say until they are convinced that we care about them. We must engage Americans from all walks of life where they live. We must meet with those who are voting for policies that hurt them, listen until we understand why … and learn what words we must use to connect the right ideas with their hopes and dreams.

This is what I plan to do at Heritage. Our plans are bold and it will take several months before we can ramp up to full speed. In the meantime, there are at least four important things we must do right now.

First: We cannot give up on repealing Obamacare. Accepting Obamacare is giving up on America. We must cut the funding for Obamacare and support all the governors who reject the expansion of Medicaid and the creation of healthcare exchanges.

Second: America’s proud heritage of immigration has fueled our nation’s strength and diversity, but today we have a broken and politicized system that makes it easy to come here illegally. We have to fix the system, but we cannot design our national immigration policies to accommodate those who broke our laws. Granting citizenship to those who came here illegally violates the basic principles of freedom. It is wrong because it undermines the very reason immigrants flee other countries and come to America: our rule of law. And we know from history amnesty and citizenship does not solve the problem, it only encourages more law breaking. There were 3 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty. Today, there are an estimated 11 million illegals immigrants. Congress should take a step by step approach that streamlines our legal process to encourage those yearning for freedom and opportunity to come here the right way.

Third: Conservatives must lead with a plan that balances the budget in the next decade without raising taxes. My oldest grandson is 6 years old. Is it too much to expect that by the time he gets his drivers license, we will stop borrowing money from his future? The next battle over the debt will be in a few weeks when we reach the debt limit … again, and we know the chicken littles will squeal and tell us how the sky will fall if we don’t let the President borrow more money. The debt limit is simply a balanced budget. It prevents us from spending more than we take in.

So, we have three options. The first, and my preferred option, would be to balance the budget within 10 years. The second option, which is the President’s preferred option, is to never balance the budget … ever! Just keep borrowing and taxing and spending. The third option, which is ironically the easiest option, is to balance the budget immediately. In other words, just don’t pass the debt limit increase.

Here’s the conservative proposition: Mr. President, we reject your plan to never balance the budget, so you have two options. We can either balance in 10 years — without raising taxes — or we can balance immediately. It’s your choice.

And lastly: We cannot hope to limit government if we do not stand up for our core civil society institutions, beginning with marriage. Marriage is the foundation of America’s cultural stability and economic prosperity and the courts have no business overruling the people’s democratic decisions in the states. People can love whom they want and live the way they choose, but no one is entitled to redefine a foundational institution of civil society that has existed for centuries.

In two weeks, the Supreme Court will hear arguments against the right of states to protect marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Judicial activism is to blame for the Court even considering these cases. The Supreme Court should uphold these laws. It must recognize that the American people should make these decisions, not unelected judges.

We are told that the social issues divide Americans and that we should stop talking about them. We cannot.

Economic and social conservatism go hand-in-hand. They’re natural allies. Strong families, churches and voluntary institutions build strong character and economic independence. And government must always remember we are endowed by our creator with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is true for you and me, and it is true for the unborn. When government understands its limited role, it can be smaller, people can be freer and our economy can create prosperity for everyone. And when government grows larger with programs like Obamacare that consume so much of our lives, it tramples on both economic freedom and religious liberty. This has united conservatives of all stripes to fight to end Obamacare so we can all be free to live our own lives.

Conservatives can unite America with a platform of federalism that moves dollars and decisions back to the states and the people. Let’s encourage the states to compete for the best business environment and quality of life. States should have the freedom to determine how best to meet the needs of their students. For health care, let states use private contracting for Medicaid to deliver better health care for more people at lower costs. Federalism means letting more states have Medicaid waivers to serve those most in need more effectively and efficiently.

More dollars would be available for roads and bridges if states kept more of their own gas tax dollars and made their own decisions about infrastructure. States could grow their economies if the federal government would get out of the way and let them develop their energy resources.

The less we try to do at the federal level, the more we can unite the country around our ideas. Federal programs are failing and they are bankrupting our nation. The states are proving that conservative ideas deliver better results for all of our citizens.

Another area where conservatives can unite America is foreign policy and defense. Americans want a strong defense, but they are tired of endless wars. The conservative platform for defense and foreign relations can be summarized with two words: strength and focus. The White House, by contrast, has created confusion around the world by not leading and threatened our security by gutting defense.

If we want a strong defense and a foreign policy that serves the interests of the American people, we must act with clarity and judgment. We must defend our homeland, protect American interests abroad and limit foreign entanglements. The world expects us to lead, but we must do it with strength and focus.

I’ve talked a lot tonight about what conservatives need to do to take control of our ideas, our message and how we need to connect with the American people. We can’t wait for Republicans to advance the conservative cause, it is our job to make our ideas so winsome to the American people that they become irresistible to the politicians. The voices of the new and bold conservatives in the House and Senate will certainly help, but it is our responsibility as conservative leaders to build support for our ideas among the voters.

Milton Friedman explained it this way when he said: “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or, if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”

That’s my main point today. It’s why I left the Senate to lead The Heritage Foundation and to help lead the conservative movement. We must take control of our ideas and our message. We must win the hearts and minds of the American people … all of the American people. We must help Americans see the connection between their hopes and dreams and the public policies that will help them achieve their goals. Then they will vote for the right ideas and the candidates who support them.

We can and we will unite America around the principles of freedom. We will develop a simple inspiring platform based on competitive federalism that unites rather than divides Americans. That is my hope and dream and it is my commitment to you. Please pray for our country and all those who defend it – those in uniform and all those who stand with us for the cause of freedom. Thank you.

Political Headlines March 14, 2013: At CPAC, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio take shots at Mitt Romney, John McCain





At CPAC, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio take shots at Mitt Romney, John McCain

Source: Washington Post, 3-14-13

The future of the Republican Party took some shots at its recent past on Thursday, as two top potential 2016 White House hopefuls made a conspicuous effort to distance themselves from the past two GOP presidential nominees….READ MORE

Full Text Political Headlines March 14, 2013: Senator Mike Lee’s Speech at CPAC 2013 the 40th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference





Sen. Mike Lee’s Speech at CPAC

Source: UnitedLiberty.org, 3-14-13

Up in the Pacific Northwest two brothers, Billy and Bobby, decided that they would sell apples. They set up a small fruit stand on the side of a busy road then drove their old pickup out to the farmer’s orchard, where they purchased a truckload of apples at a price of one dollar an apple. They returned to their stand and began selling their apples –for the head-scratching, bargain price of… one dollar an apple.

After selling the entire load the brothers drove back to the orchard and bought another truckload of apples for the price of… one dollar an apple. Back at the fruit stand, apples were flying off the shelf – again at the price of… one dollar per apple. In no time they sold every apple and enthusiastically raced back for another load.  They filled their truck and paid the farmer one dollar an apple.  Sweaty and exhausted from their efforts, the two brothers hopped back in their truck and hurried toward their stand.

As they drove, Billy said to Bobby, “Ya know, I’ve been thinkin’….  We’ve been working really hard today and sold two truck loads of apples – but it doesn’t seem like we’re making any progress in our business.”

Bobby thought about it then replied, “You know what? You’re right… He thought long and hard, then asked,… “Do you think we need a bigger truck?”

When it comes to the size, cost and scope of the federal government, I am here to tell you that we Do Not need a bigger truck.  Like Billy and Bobby, we instead need to stop and rethink what it is we are trying to accomplish and how best to achieve it.  Unfortunately we have a president who not only wants a bigger truck, he wants a truck with a personalized license plate, heated leather seats, a tricked out stereo system and a rack – no, not a gun rack – at least not without a universal background check – so maybe a rack for his golf clubs!

Did you listen to the President’s inaugural address in January?  It was an extended info-mercial for the biggest and most expensive truck in the world.  In soaring rhetoric, no 60-second truck commercial could ever match, the President rattled off a myriad of big Government solutions, which were each touted as the latest and greatest way for every American to have a bigger truck filled with massive government programs and the promise of utopia.  Of course no mention was ever made about the price of the truck, the size of the debt or how or when the payments would be made.

(And by the way, I am pretty sure he violated many standards of truth in advertising.  He should have hired the fast-talking voice-over guy who races through the disclaimers at the end of an ad, to say something like – this big truck you are buying will not solve your problems, will not pay your mortgage, will not provide you healthcare or give you a job or provide for your retirement.  Your truck loan, and that of your neighbors is payable to the Chinese government and will be painfully extracted from you today and from your children tomorrow.)

But here is what kills me.  As conservatives, instead of focusing on the real issues and the real goals for our society, we have been sucked into debating about what size of truck we really need!  We argue that we need a smaller truck, a smarter truck, a limited purpose truck, a more efficient truck, or even just a better truck.  I repeat – It is not about the truck.

It is time for us as Conservatives to reframe the debate.  It is time to focus on the principles that will lead us to the kind of country and society we want for ourselves and our future.

Here is the principle I am asking conservatives to understand – The opposite of bad government is NOT good government.  It isn’t even just limited government.  The opposite of bad government is Civil Society. A free and strong civil society is built on the innate desire of Americans to freely contribute to the betterment of the community.  Civil Society is the result of the relationships that connect, bind and strengthen us.  It is what drives each of us to do our part to help those around us.

Civil Society is where free individuals thrive and communities flourish.  The interconnection of local communities has always been at the heart of our nation.  I am also convinced that our future success will be found in a return to that connectedness that has driven the American dream from the beginning.  We see civil society when a parent instills values in a child, when a doctor heals a patient, when a teacher stays late to help a student learn to read, when a neighbor stops to help a neighbor– these are the bonds that will restore our faith in the institutions of civil society and move us away from reliance on bureaucratic, centralized decision-making. “We, the people” does not mean a collective adherence to the agenda of the ruling class.  It instead means as Americans we share basic values and principles that when viewed as a whole help form and protect a more perfect union.

Conservatives’ belief in civil society is grounded in the bedrock principles of freedom, self-reliance and self-governance and is manifest in the form of historic American institutions including the family, schools, churches, private groups and civic organizations.  These institutions of civil society teach the morals, values and behaviors that instill faith, confidence and trust between individuals, communities and even government.  The Constitution of this great nation provides the framework that ennobles the vision of the individual while enabling the value of the institutions to create an environment where people prosper and society succeeds.

Government cannot create a civil society, but it can kill it.  Over the past 80 years the federal government has expanded well beyond its constitutional limits.  The history of progressivism demonstrates that as the power of the federal government increases, the ability to self-govern diminishes. And as self-governance decreases, so does the influence of the institutions of civil society. Soon the ability to instill faith, confidence and trust among individuals and communities is replaced by the false promises of big government. And the more our citizens look to big government for solutions, the more the strength of civil society is sapped away, and our collective muscle as a nation – the very muscle that has forged the greatest civilization the world has ever known – atrophies.

In this country results matter.  And when it comes to the dismal and even dreadful outcomes delivered by the promises of big government – no rhetoric can cover the reality of the results.

We must remember that whenever government becomes too involved in anything, bad things happen.  Is it any wonder that the vast majority of Americans have little to no confidence in government?  (and they have even less confidence in congress as manifest in congress’s current approval rate of 15% – which makes members of congress a little more popular than Raul Castro and little less popular than the influenza virus.)

The current angst and apprehension among Americans originates, in part, because it is easy to forget where to look for solutions, strength and certainty.  I suggest that a return to civil society – engaged, self-reliant, free individuals building and strengthening communities – is the answer.

America is extraordinary, not because of who we are, but because of what we do.  Despite the current crushing weight of our bloated federal bureaucracy, we can still see the strength of our nation’s fabric through the intertwining actions of the genuine heroes around us.  They are often disguised as the daily deeds that everyday citizens perform, every single day.  Again, we see civil society when a neighbor stops to help a neighbor, when a 5th grader stands up to a bully for a classmate, when a pastor inspires faith in a troubled soul.  It is often the small and seemingly insignificant things we can and should do each day that ultimately determine the greatness of America.

When we look within and to each other, instead of looking to Washington and government, we will see the greatness of our country reemerge.

Today we are witnessing what happens at the end of the progressive, big government approach.  After the promises of federal solutions have eroded our faith in the institutions of family, school, church and community and having spent our nation to the brink of bankruptcy progressives simply shrug their shoulders, throw up their hands and say, “it isn’t my fault, it isn’t my job and it isn’t my responsibility.”  That is a very un-American approach to a challenge.

I saw this attitude once on a trip through southern Utah with my family.  We had stopped at fast-food restaurant for lunch.  Because my wife Sharon was with me, I thought it would look good if I chose to go to the salad bar instead of buying a hamburger.  I went down the salad bar getting bits of healthy greens and nutritious looking vegetables.  I was very uninspired at my prospects for an appetizing lunch when to my great surprise and delight, at the very end of the salad bar I found… chocolate pudding!  I immediately scooped a large blob of it on my plate, trying to hide it by fluffing up my greens around it.  Suddenly I was feeling very good about lunch.  Looking very healthy, but still getting desert – a lot of it.

Sitting down, I mentally complimented myself for the ingeniousness of what I was about to pull off.  Smiling at the thought, I took a large bite of the chocolate pudding, only to find that it was completely rancid, rotten and spoiled.  It was awful!  I immediately set out to find an employee of the restaurant so I could warn them of the spoiled pudding at the salad bar.  I approached one young lady who worked there and said, “Excuse me, I just want to let you know that the pudding at the salad bar is spoiled.”  She gave me a deer-in-the-headlights blank stair.  I clarified, “The chocolate pudding is rancid and rotten and should be removed before someone eats it and gets sick.” She proceeded to roll her eyes and deliver that deep, soul-crushing sigh that teenagers have perfected and said – “I’m not on salad!”   ….. and walked away.

Instead of that type of shoulder shrugging, what we need in this nation and especially in this town is some serious shoulder squaring in the spirit of civil society.  You see we are all “on salad.”

We are all:
On helping someone in need.
On dealing with the debt.
On building our communities.
On upholding the Constitution.
On restoring the greatness of this nation.

I invite each of you to square your shoulders and be “on salad.”  The synergy, connection and strength that comes from civil society is not only what has made and preserved us a nation, but what will lead us toward a bright future and better days to come….

In order to move forward on this path to a flourishing civil society I invite you to join me on a journey back… back to a place and time not unlike our own…It was a turbulent time of deep division within our young republic.

George Washington recorded the events of March 4th 1797 – the last day of his second term as President of the United States.  Washington wrote, “It was with a heavy heart that I left my room today, thinking not so much of myself as of our country…

Walking out onto Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, Washington continued, “ I was plain George Washington now, neither General nor President. Suddenly I realized I was not alone.  People were following me, at first only a few, then a swelling crowd.

“For a long moment, I stood face to face with them – the young cobbler, the carpenter, the storekeeper, the laborer.  All of them stood facing me.  They said not a word.  I realized that Providence was showing me a vision of America, of what it would become.  I could feel assured that, come what may, whether it be political bickering…, or any other evil in government,… our country rests in good hands, in the [hands] of its people. …”

A similar crowd has gathered here today at CPAC.  Political strife divides our country.  Government is expanding in ways that would shock the Founding generation…  As I look out at this crowd, I don’t see cobblers and shopkeepers but scientists and school teachers, web designers and entrepreneurs, mothers and fathers and friends. I am also confident that our country rests in good hands – the hands of its people.

Hand in hand, acting on the instincts of our better angels and connected in the principle of civil society, we the people, not we the government, will form a more perfect union and ensure that the vision of George Washington becomes the destiny of the nation…

Full Text Political Headlines March 14, 2013: Senator Rand Paul’s Speech at CPAC 2013 the 40th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference





Sen. Paul Addresses 40th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference


I have a message for the President, a message that is loud and clear, a message that doesn’t mince words.

The message for the President is that no one person gets to decide the law, no one person gets to decide your guilt or innocence.

My question to the President was about more than just killing Americans on American soil.

My question was about whether Presidential power has limits.

Lincoln put it well when he wrote, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man, give him power.”

President Obama who seemed, once upon a time, to respect civil liberties, has become the President who signed a law allowing for the indefinite detention of an American citizen.

Indeed, a law that allows an American citizen to be sent to Guantanamo Bay without a trial.

President Obama defends his signing of the bill by stating that he has no intention of detaining any American citizen without a trial.

Likewise, he defended his possible targeted Drone strikes against Americans on American soil by indicating that he has no intention of doing so.

Well, my thirteen hour filibuster was a message to the President.

Good intentions are not enough.

The presidential oath of office states ‘I WILL protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution,’ NOT ‘I intend to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.’

Mr. President, good intentions are not enough. We want to know, will you or won’t you defend the Constitution?

Eisenhower wrote,

“How far can you go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?”

If we destroy our enemy but lose what defines our freedom in the process, have we really won?

If we allow one man to charge Americans as enemy combatants and indefinitely detain or drone them, then what exactly is it our brave young men and women are fighting for?

Montesquieu wrote that there can be no liberty if you combine the Executive and the Legislative branches. Likewise, there can be no justice if you combine the Executive and Judicial branch into one.

We separated arrest and accusation from trial and verdict for a reason. When Lewis Carroll’s white queen shouts sentence first, verdict afterwards, the reader’s response is supposed to be ‘But that would be absurd!’

In our country, the police can arrest, but only your peers can convict. We prize our Bill of Rights like no other country. Our Bill of Rights is what defines us and makes us exceptional.

To those who would dismiss this debate as frivolous, I say tell that to the heroic young men and women who have sacrificed their limbs and lives, tell it to the 6,000 parents whose kids died as American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, tell them that the Bill of Rights is no big deal.

Tell it to Sergeant J.D. Williams, of Auburn Kentucky, who sacrificed himself to save his fellow soldiers. Tell J.D., who lost both legs and an arm; tell him his sacrifice was great but that we had to suspend the Bill of Rights he fought for.

Yes, the filibuster was about drones, but also about much more. Do we have a Bill of Rights or not? Do we have a Constitution or not and will we defend it?

In his farewell speech in 1989, Ronald Reagan said: “As government expands, liberty contracts.”

He was right. Government cannot give us our liberty, our rights come from our Creator. But as government grows, liberty becomes marginalized. The collective takes precedent over the individual. Freedom shrinks.

And our government today is larger than it has ever been in the history of our country.

Everything that America has been, and everything we ever wish to be, is now threatened by the notion that you can have something for nothing, that you can have your cake and eat it too, that you can spend a trillion dollars every year that you don’t have.

The President seems to think we can keep adding to a $16 trillion debt. The President seems to think the country can continue to borrow $50,000 per second.

The President believes that we should just squeeze more money out of those who are working. He’s got it exactly backwards.

I’m here to tell you, what we need to do is leave more money in the pockets of those who earned it.

Look at how ridiculous Washington politicians have behaved over the sequester. The President did a big “woe is me” over a trillion dollar sequester that he endorsed and signed into law. Some Republicans joined him.

But the sequester didn’t even cut any spending. It just slowed the rate of growth. Even with the sequester, government will grow over $7 trillion over the next decade.

Only in Washington could an increase of $7 trillion in spending over a decade be called a cut.

After the sequester, it was announced that the White House would stop giving tours. Administration officials said that it was due to “cuts” imposed by the sequester.

Meanwhile the President found an extra $250 million to send to Egypt. You know, the country where mobs attacked our embassy, burned our flag, and chanted death to America.

You know, the country whose President recently stood by his spiritual leader, who called for death to Israel and all who support her.

I say-not a penny more to countries that burn our flag.

The President says he can’t find anything to cut except for White House tours.

Well what about the $3 million spent studying Monkeys on Meth. Does it really take $3 million to discover that monkeys, like humans, act crazy on Meth?

What about the $300,000 for a Robotic squirrel? They wanted to study whether a squirrel that doesn’t wag its tail will be bitten by a rattlesnake. Only problem, they couldn’t find a real squirrel to volunteer not to wag its tail.

Bottom line – a rattlesnake will bite the you-know-what out of a squirrel not wagging its tail. Mr. President, maybe we could have cut robotic squirrels before white house tours.

For any of you college students looking for jobs, Uncle Sam’s got a job for you. The pay is $5,000 per person. The study is in Hawaii but the requirements are onerous —- you must like food.

The study is to develop a Menu for when we colonize mars. Guess what a bunch of college students came up with……..Pizza.

You could cut just one of these programs and return to letting schoolchildren tour the White House.

This government is completely out-of-control. We desperately need a new course and new leadership.

The path forward for the Republican Party is rooted in respect for the Constitution and respect for the individual.

Part of that respect is allowing Americans to freely exercise one of their most basic rights, the right to bear arms.

You can’t protect the 2nd amendment though if you don’t have the Fourth amendment. If we are not secure in homes, if we are not secure in our persons and our papers, can we really believe that our right to bear arms will be secure?

We need to jealously guard all of our liberties.

The FaceBook generation can detect falseness and hypocrisy a mile away. They are the core of the ‘leave me alone’ coalition. They doubt that Social Security will be there for them.

They worry about jobs and money, rent and student loans. They want leaders that wont feed them a line of crap or sell them short. They aren’t afraid of individual liberty.

Ask them whether we should put a kid in jail for the nonviolent crime of drug use and you’ll hear a resounding no.

Ask them if they want to bail out Too-Big-To-Fail banks with their tax dollars.

And you’ll hear a hell no.

There is nothing conservative about bailing out Wall Street.

Likewise, there is nothing progressive about billion dollar loans to millionaires to build solar panels.

The Republican Party has to change—-by going forward to the classical and timeless ideas enshrined in our Constitution. When we understand that that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, then we will become the dominant national party again.

It is time for us to revive Reagan’s law: For liberty to expand, government must now contract. For the economy to grow, government must get out of the way.

This month, I will propose a five-year balanced budget.

My budget eliminates the Department of Education, and devolves power and money back to the states where they belong.

With my five-year budget, millions of jobs would be created by cutting the corporate income tax in half, by creating a flat personal income tax of 17%, and by cutting the regulations that are strangling American businesses.

The only stimulus ever proven to work is leaving more money in the hands of those who earned it!

The Constitution must be our guide. For conservatives to win nationally, we must stand for something. We must stand on principle.

We must stand for something so powerful and so popular that it brings together people from the left and the right and the middle.

We need a Republican Party that shows up on the Southside of Chicago and shouts at the top of our lungs ‘We are the party of jobs and opportunity. The GOP is the ticket to the middle class.’

The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered,——I don’t think we need to name any names here, do we??—-

Our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. The new GOP, the GOP that will win again, will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere.

If we are going to have a Republican Party that can win, liberty needs to be the backbone of the GOP.

We must have a message that is broad. Our vision must be broad. And that vision must be based on freedom.

There are millions of Americans, young and old, native and immigrant, black, white and brown, who simply seek to live free, free to practice their religion, free to choose where they send their kids to school, free to choose their own healthcare, free to keep the fruit of their own labor, free to live without government constantly being on their back.

I will stand for them.

I will stand for you.

I will stand for our prosperity and our freedom.

And I ask everyone who values liberty to stand with me.

Thank you and God Bless America.


Political Headlines March 14, 2013: Guide to CPAC 2013 the Conservative Political Action Conference — Why It Matters, Who’s Going, What We Will Learn From It





CPAC 2013 – Why It Matters, Who’s Going, What We Will Learn From It

CPAC 2013 the Conservative Political Action Conference Official Site

Source: ABC News, 3-14-13


Today marks the start of a three-day gathering of conservative leaders and activists from around the country. The Conservative Political Action Conference — CPAC, for short — is organized by the American Conservative Union and has become an annual focal point that brings together establishment figures, new leaders, grassroots types and, in particular, the younger generation of conservatives. It kicks off this morning at the Gaylord National Hotel in National Harbor, Md., just outside Washington, D.C.

Here’s a quick guide about what we can expect:

WHO’S GOING: A whole lot of big-name speakers such as Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and many more….The National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre, American Crossroads head Steven Law, American Conservative Union Chairman Al Cardenas, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist and Heritage Foundation President and former Sen. Jim DeMint.

WHO’S NOT GOING: The two most-talked-about names who don’t have speaking slots at this year’s CPAC conference are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (although McDonnell plans to participate in a prayer breakfast associated with the conference on Friday morning)….READ MORE


Kelly Ayotte Kelly AyotteU.S. Senator

John Barrasso John BarrassoU.S. Senator

Diane Black Diane BlackU.S. Representative

Marsha Blackburn Marsha BlackburnU.S. Representative

Jeb Bush Jeb BushFormer Governor of Florida

Eric Cantor Eric CantorHouse Majority Leader

Cardenas Al CardenasACU Chairman

Ben Carson Dr. Ben CarsonDirector of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Francesca-Chambers Francesca ChambersEditor, Red Alert Politics

Steven Crowder Steven CrowderActor, Comedian

Ted Cruz Ted CruzU.S. Senator

Ken Cuccinelli Ken CuccinelliVirginia Attorney General

Artur Davis Artur DavisFormer U.S. Representative

Carly Fiorina Carly FiorinaACU Board Member

Tom Fitton Tom FittonPresident, Judicial Watch

Jeff Frazee Jeff FrazeePresident, Young Americans for Liberty

Newt Gingrich Newt GingrichFormer House Speaker

Kristan Hawkins Kristan HawkinsPresident, Students for Life

Chelsi Henry Chelsi HenryOutreach Chair, Young Republican National Federation

Bobby Jindal Bobby JindalGovernor of Louisiana

Ron Johnson Ron JohnsonU.S. Senator

Sonnie Johnson Sonnie JohnsonFounder, “Did She Say That”/Breitbart News Network

David Keene David KeenePresident, NRA

Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer

Wayne LaPierre Wayne LaPierreExecutive VP, NRA

Mike Lee Mike LeeU.S. Senator

Art Linares Art LinaresConnecticut State Senator

Dana Loesch 3 Dana LoeschHost, “The Dana Loesch Show”

JennyBeth Martin Jenny Beth MartinCo-Founder, Tea Party Patriots

Alexander McCobin Alexander McCobinPresident, Students for Liberty

Mitch McConnell Mitch McConnellU.S. Senate Republican Leader

Kate Obenshain Kate ObenshainAuthor/Commentator

Sarah Palin Sarah PalinFormer Governor of Alaska

Rand Paul Rand PaulU.S. Senator

Katie Pavlich Katie PavlichNews Editor, Town Hall

Rick Perry Rick PerryGovernor of Texas

Mitt Romney Mitt RomneyFormer Republican Nominee for President

Root, Wayne Wayne Allyn Root2008 Libertarian Nominee for Vice President

Marco Rubio Marco RubioU.S. Senator

Paul Ryan Paul RyanChairman, House Budget Committee

Rick-Santorum Rick SantorumFormer U.S. Senator

Tim Scott Tim ScottU.S. Senator

T.W. Shannon T.W. ShannonSpeaker, Oklahoma House of Representatives

Pat Toomey Pat ToomeyU.S. Senator

Donald Trump Donald TrumpChairman & President, The Trump Organization

Scott Walker Scott WalkerGovernor of Wisconsin

Allen West Allen WestFormer U.S. Representative

Crystal Wright Crystal WrightEditor & Publisher, conservativeblackchick.com

Political Headlines March 14, 2013: Live Blogging CPAC 2013: Conservatives Rally at First Day of 40th Conservative Political Action Conference





LIVE UPDATES: Conservatives Rally at First Day of CPAC 2013

Source: ABC News, 3-14-13

Thursday marks day one of the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference – an annual gathering in Washington, D.C. where members of the GOP meet to cement their ideology and try out potential presidential nominees for the coming years. Read background about the event here.

Live updates and behind-the-scenes looks throughout the day….READ MORE