Campaign Buzz August 11, 2012: GOP Ticket Complete: Mitt Romney Chooses Rep. Paul Ryan as His Vice Presidential Running-Mate in Norfolk, Virginia Official Announcement





Romney names Ryan his vice presidential running mate: Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate in the presidential race and will make the long-awaited announcement in Norfolk, Va., on Saturday morning.
Romney’s campaign told supporters at about 7 a.m. via an iPhone app that the seven-term congressman would be the Republican vice presidential nominee…. – WaPo, 8-11-12

  • Romney Picks Paul Ryan of Wisconsin: Mitt Romney introduced Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate at a boisterous rally here Saturday morning, a choice that puts the issue of the nation’s fiscal soundness at the center of the presidential race….. – NYT, 8-11-12 


  • Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan for VP: Mitt Romney has named Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan to be his running mate. “Mitt’s choice for VP is Paul Ryan. Spread the word about America’s Comeback Team. #RomneyRyan2012,” was the message the Romney campaign sent out via their VP app early this morning…. – ABC News, 8-11-12 


  • Romney taps Ryan to be running mate: Mitt Romney named Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate Saturday, ending weeks of speculation about the No. 2 slot on the GOP ticket. The Romney campaign announced the pick through its “Mitt’s VP” smart phone app….. – USA Today, 8-11-12 


  • Romney chooses Ryan as vice presidential running mate: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Saturday he has chosen Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, a move that will bring the debate over how to reduce government spending and debt… – Reuters, 8-11-12 


  • Romney Picks Ryan as Vice-Presidential Running Mate: Mitt Romney picked Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, a decision that could spark enthusiasm for the Republican ticket among conservatives and all but ensures the election will…. – Wall Street Journal, 8-11-12 


  • Romney names Paul Ryan his No. 2: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney introduced Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his vice presidential running mate on Saturday, turning to the architect of a deeply conservative and intensely controversial long-term budget plan to remake Medicare and cut trillions in federal spending…. – AP, 8-11-12 


  • Ryan’s selection as Romney’s running mate energizes both sides: Mitt Romney on Saturday announced US Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate for the White House — a bold and risky move that energized both conservatives and their opponents…. – CNN, 8-11-12 


  • Obama camp blasts Ryan; GOP hails “comeback team”: On the heels of Mitt Romney’s Saturday announcement that he is tapping Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential running mate, both parties found reason to be excited: Democrats wasted no time…. – CBS News, 8-11-12 


  • Mitt Romney picks Paul Ryan as running mate: Romney and Ryan are embarking on the first day of a four-day bus trip that will take the White House hopefuls to four key swing states: Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio…. – WaPo, 8-11-12 


  • Romney Chooses Ryan, Pushing Fiscal Issues to the Forefront: Mitt Romney introduced Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate Saturday in Norfolk, Va., making a selection that will intensify the campaign debate on the size and role of government…. – NYT, 8-11-12 


  • Elevating Ryan, and His Budget Details: To date, Mitt Romney has been criticized for a lack of detail in his plan to reduce the nation’s debt. Tapping the architect of the House Republican budget plan changes that…. – NYT, 8-11-12 


  • A Risky Rationale Behind Romney’s Choice: When a prudent candidate like Mitt Romney picks someone like Paul Ryan as his running mate, it suggests that he felt he held a losing position against President Obama…. – NYT, 8-11-12 


  • In Romney and Ryan, a Pair Who Don’t Mind Their Differences: Paul Ryan acknowledged that he would fill a void on the ticket, serving as the energetic Beltway yin to Mitt Romney’s experienced corporate yang…. – NYT, 8-11-12 


  • Democrats seize upon Romney’s choice of Ryan: Democrats pounced on Mitt Romney’s selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday, saying the pick showed a commitment to “budget-busting tax cuts” for the wealthy and greater burdens on the middle class and seniors…. – AP, 8-11-12 


  • Romney’s choice of Ryan reshapes race for White House: * Choice of congressman aimed at energizing conservatives * Democrats relish battle over Ryan budget * Romney kicking off four-state bus tour…. – Reuters, 8-11-12

What They’re Saying: “A Campaign Of Substance”

“A Bold Decision” … “Reagan-Like Quality” … “A Campaign Of Substance”

Time: “The 2012 Presidential Campaign Just Became A Debate About That Most Substantive Of All Issues.” “To anyone who ever complained that politics wasn’t substantive, buckle up: the 2012 Presidential campaign just became a debate about that most substantive of all issues, the federal budget.” (Time, 8/11/12)

The Wall Street Journal’s Paul Gigot: “He Is Earnest, He’s Serious, He’s A Real Policy Wonk.” (Fox News, 8/11/12)

  •  Gigot: “Going To Make This A Fundamental Choice About The Direction Of America.” GIGOT: “Right now, with this choice, Romney is committed, alright. He is basically saying, by picking Ryan, I’m not going to make this a safe election. I am going to make this a fundamental choice about the direction of America. And we are going to debate the future of Medicare and entitlements. We are going to debate the future of tax reform. Those are the issues now front and center.” (Fox News, 8/11/12)

National Review’s Jonah Goldberg: “I Am Delighted By The News … A Bold Decision.” “I am a huge, huge, Paul Ryan fan. So I am delighted by the news he will be Romney’s running mate. … It shows that for all of the talk of Romney’s timidity and cautiousness he can make a bold decision when he needs to.” (National Review, 8/11/12)

The Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer: “Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality.” KRAUTHAMMER: “The best analogy is, I think, the late 1970s when Reagan became the candidate … I think Ryan has that Reagan-like quality.” (Fox News’ “Fox and Friends,” 8/11/12)

Weekly Standard’s William Kristol: “This Is A Strong Pick, It’s A Bold Pick, It’s A Gutsy Pick.” KRISTOL: “This is a strong pick, it’s a bold pick, it’s a gutsy pick. It doesn’t run away from the controversial house budget. It’s really picking the intellectual leader of the Republican Party.” (Fox News’ “Bulls & Bears,” 8/11/12)

CNN’s Jim Acosta: “The Campaign Equivalent Of A Call To Arms.” “The battleship was a tip-off in more ways than one. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan descended from the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Virginia Saturday with the campaign equivalent of a call to arms.” (CNN, 8/11/12)

The New York Times’ Ross Douthat: “This Will Make The Race More Exciting And More Serious, And I’m Looking Forward To Watching It Play Out.” (The New York Times, 8/11/12)

Fox News’ Liz Peek: “The Selection Of Mr. Ryan Sends A Very Different Message – That Romney Is Focused On Solving The Nation’s Financial Crisis.” (Fox News, 8/11/12)

Philadelphia Inquirer’s Kevis Ferris: “A Welcome Move, One That Shows This Will Be A Campaign Of Substance – At Least On The GOP Side.” “This weekend, Romney made it official. It was a welcome move, one that shows this will be a campaign of substance – at least on the GOP side.” (Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/11/12)

National Review’s John Fund: “If Republicans Were Looking For A Superior Candidate, They’ve Found It in Ryan.” “Five, if Republicans were looking for a superior candidate, they’ve found it in Ryan. His maiden speech as the GOP vice-presidential candidate was perfectly pitched…” (National Review, 8/11/12)

What They’re Saying: “An Inspired Choice”

“Shook Up The Presidential Race” … “A Bold Set Of Ideas” … “A New Promise For Presidential Politics”

CBS News’ John Dickerson: “The Choice Offers The First Real Hints About What Kind Of President Romney Will Be. … He’s Willing To Campaign On A Bold Set Of Ideas…” “Mitt Romney has made his first presidential-level decision, picking Paul Ryan, the 42-year-old, seven-term Congressman from southern Wisconsin, as his running mate. The choice offers the first real hints about what kind of president Romney will be. Here’s what we learned: He takes risks, he can adapt, and he’s willing to campaign on a bold set of ideas rather than generalities.” (Slate, 8/11/12)

National Journal’s Ron Fournier: “A New Promise For Presidential Politics And Leadership: Authentic, Bold, Positive And Focused On Results Over Partisan Gridlock.” “Mitt Romney used the choice of running mate Rep. Paul Ryan to script a new promise for presidential politics and leadership: Authentic, bold, positive and focused on results over partisan gridlock.” (National Journal, 8/11/12)

Time: “Romney Shook Up The Presidential Race Saturday Morning With A Single Stroke…” (Time, 8/11/12)

The Atlantic’s Molly Ball: “Overnight, It Was Clear, Romney Has Reoriented The Campaign Around A New, Daring Premise.” (The Atlantic, 8/11/12)

  • The Atlantic Headline: “Paul Ryan’s Message: ‘Courage’” (The Atlantic, 8/11/12)

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “In Ryan, Romney Is Getting His Party’s Most Influential Politician On The Budget And Economy…” “In Ryan, Romney is getting his party’s most influential politician on the budget and economy, a huge favorite of pro-business and free-market conservatives, a skilled politician and self-styled ‘policy wonk,’ a prolific fundraiser and ubiquitous cable news presence…” (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/11/12)

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith: “The Ryan Pick Is Going To Take What Has Felt Inside The Beltway Like A National Debate And Turn It Into An Actual National Debate.” “The Ryan pick is going to take what has felt inside the beltway like a national debate and turn it into an actual national debate, I think.” (Ben Smith, Twitter Feed, 8/11/12)

Yahoo News’ Walter Shapiro: “What Stays With Me Was The Earnestness And Policy-Oriented Seriousness Of Ryan…” “I recall the fledging candidate walking me around downtown Janesville to show the houses and the historical markers that trace his family’s influence on this small industrial city since the late nineteenth century. But what stays with me was the earnestness and policy-oriented seriousness of Ryan, even then.” (Yahoo! News, 8/11/12)

National Review Editorial: “Governor Romney Has Made An Inspired Choice.” (National Review, 8/11/12)

  • “Paul Ryan Is The Republican Who Has Made The Most Pointed Critique Of The Philosophy That Underlies Obama’s Economic Policies…” “Paul Ryan is the Republican who has made the most pointed critique of the philosophy that underlies Obama’s economic policies: the notion that government can direct resources toward rising industries. Solyndra is not just a scandal, Ryan notes: It is the kind of crony-capitalist fiasco to which Obama’s view inevitably leads.” (National Review, 8/11/12)

What They’re Saying: “Philosophical Debate Worthy Of A Presidential Campaign”

“A Big Debate” … “A Breath Of Fresh Air” … “Most Well-Respected Fiscal Mind”

Reuters: “His Choice Of Running Mate Is A Bold One…” “Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Saturday he has chosen Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, a move that will bring the debate over how to reduce government spending and debt to the forefront of the race for the White House. … His choice of running mate is a bold one…” (Reuters, 8/11/12)

CNN’s John King: “A Choice By Mitt Romney To Say Sure, Let’s Have A Big Debate About The Big Choices Facing The American Economy.” KING: “Again, this is a bold choice … It’s essentially a choice by Mitt Romney to say sure, let’s have a big debate about the big choices facing the American economy and American spending…” (CNN, 8/11/12)

Boston Herald: “A Breath Of Fresh Air…” “Romney’s choice of Ryan … brings a breath of fresh air to the ticket generationally.” (Boston Herald, 8/11/12)

The Wall Street Journal: “Mr. Ryan Best Guarantees The Country Will Get The Kind Of Philosophical Debate Worthy Of A Presidential Campaign.” “But as the author of the budget plan that most clearly delineates the view of limited government that most Republicans hold, and with more specificity and crystalline explanation than most can muster, Mr. Ryan best guarantees the country will get the kind of philosophical debate worthy of a presidential campaign.” (The Wall Street Journal, 8/11/12)

CNN’s John Avlon: “It’s A Bold Decision. … Moves This Into A More Substantive Stage Of The Campaign.” AVLON: “It’s a bold decision. It is a strong, confident decision. And what it ultimately does is moves this into a more substantive stage of the campaign.” (CNN, 8/11/12)

Roll Call: “The Former Massachusetts Governor Promoted The Most Well-Respected Fiscal Mind Among Capitol Hill Republicans…” “The former Massachusetts governor promoted the most well-respected fiscal mind among Capitol Hill Republicans…” (Roll Call, 8/11/12)

New York Daily News: “A Bold Choice…” “Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney selected Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate Saturday – a bold choice meant to excite the GOP’s conservative base and further make the economy the defining issue of the election.” (New York Daily News, 8/11/12)

CNN’s Gloria Borger: “I Think The Debate Is Going To Shift Onto A Very Substantive Ground.” BORGER: “But I think what they are trying to do is say, you know what, he hasn’t made the tough choices that we need to make in a serious way to save the economic future of this country, so I think the debate is going to shift onto a very substantive ground.” (CNN’s “Your Bottom Line,” 8/11/12)

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