Campaign Headlines August 14, 2012: Paul Ryan Comes Out Swinging at Colorado Rally “We’ve Gone from…’Hope and Change’ to Attack and Blame”




“We’ve Gone from…’Hope and Change’ to Attack and Blame” — Paul Ryan Comes Out Swinging at Colorado Rally

Source: ABC News Radio, 8-14-12

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Paul Ryan, on the stump as Mitt Romney‘s running mate Tuesday, aimed his fire directly at President Obama.  He said the Democratic campaign has to “distort, demagogue, to divide,” all to distract from the “real issues” of the campaign.

“He comes to change the tone and culture in Washington,” Ryan said to a boisterous crowd at a high school. “And so here’s where we’ve arrived. He can’t run on his record. He hasn’t changed his tune. So all that he has left is to distort, demagogue, to divide, to try and confuse, to distract you from the real issues of this election.”

Tuesday was Ryan’s second solo day of on the campaign trail.  The enthusiastic crowd at his speech here was in stark contrast to the small but vocal contingent of protesters Ryan saw Monday at the Iowa State Fair.

“We’ve gone from…hope and change to attack and blame,” said Ryan, stumbling a bit on a line sure to be heard in his regular stump speech. “But here’s what’s a little more concerting in my opinion about this. He’s speaking to people as if we’re divided from one another, not unified. He’s speaking to people as if we’re stuck in our station in life. Victims of circumstances beyond our control and that only the government is here to help us cope with it.”…READ MORE

Paul Ryan: We Must Become Energy Independent

Source: Mitt Romney Press, 8-14-12

“What Mitt Romney and I are offering, the Romney-Ryan plan for a stronger middle class, is designed to get people back to work. It is designed to create jobs. If we get this economy growing like we know we can, we can create 12 million jobs in four years. We’re offering solutions. And among those solutions we’re offering, our number one, make sure that we use our own energy because we have our own energy in this country. All of it.” – Paul Ryan

Lakewood, CO
August 14, 2012

Click Here To Watch Paul Ryan

PAUL RYAN: “What Mitt Romney and I are offering, the Romney-Ryan plan for a stronger middle class, is designed to get people back to work. It is designed to create jobs. If we get this economy growing like we know we can, we can create 12 million jobs in four years. We’re offering solutions. And among those solutions we’re offering, our number one, make sure that we use our own energy because we have our own energy in this country. All of it. You have it all here in Colorado. You know, last week when I was filling my truck up, which something tells me I’m not going to be putting gas in my truck for any time soon, but last week when I was filling my truck up, it cost $100, and the only reason it cost $100 is because the pump cut me off at $100 because of the gas tank. Enough. We have our own oil and gas. We have nuclear. We have all of the above, winds, solar, coal, let’s use it. Let’s make our energy independence. Let’s create jobs. Let’s stop sending jobs overseas by buying oil overseas.”

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