Full Text Campaign Buzz October 17, 2012: Paul Ryan’s Speech at a Campaign Event in Berea, Ohio — We Need Proactive, Pro-Growth Solutions To Get Our Economy Turned Around




Paul Ryan: We Need Proactive, Pro-Growth Solutions To Get Our Economy Turned Around

Source: Mitt Romney Press, 10-17-12

“Twenty-six million women are trapped in poverty today. That’s the highest rate in 17 years. We need to get people back to work. We need to get this economy turned around.” – Paul Ryan

Berea, OH
October 17, 2012

Click Here To Watch Paul Ryan

PAUL RYAN: “And look at where we are right now: 23 million Americans struggling to find work.

You know, we had a discussion about how women are faring in this economy last night. Five-and-a-half million women are still struggling for work in this economy. A half-million women more are unemployed today than when President Obama was sworn in. Twenty-six million women are trapped in poverty today. That’s the highest rate in 17 years. We need to get people back to work. We need to get this economy turned around. The American idea is there. It hasn’t gone away. But we have the wrong people and the wrong policies in place, and if we clear the way and go forward with the proactive, pro-growth solutions in the agenda that Mitt Romney is talking about, we will get people back to work. We will get people out of poverty, back in the middle class, we’ll get back onto reaching their vision of the American dream.”

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