Full Text Campaign Buzz August 16, 2012: Paul Ryan Goes on Offense on Medicare in Speech at his Alma Mater Miami University in Ohio




Returning to His Alma Mater, Paul Ryan Goes on Offense on Medicare

Source: ABC News Radio, 8-16-12

Matt Sullivan/Getty Images

Paul Ryan had a second homecoming Wednesday, returning to his alma mater, Miami University, where he took on the issue of Medicare. The subject is one which Democrats are using to frighten senior voters in hopes to derail Mitt Romney’s campaign now that Ryan, the House budget chairman, has joined the ticket.

But Ryan is playing offense. Mentioning Medicare for the first time on the stump, he repeated a line of attack introduced earlier in the week by the Romney campaign.

“We want this debate, we need this debate and we will win this debate,” Ryan told a crowd of thousands on campus. “What I don’t think he’ll be telling people is that the president took $716 billion from the Medicare program.”…READ MORE


Source: Mitt Romney Press, 8-16-12

“The President was talking about Medicare yesterday … What he probably did not mention yesterday is that when passed his signature healthcare achievement, Obamacare, he raided $716 billion from Medicare paid for Obamacare. This will lead to fewer services for seniors. President Obama’s campaign calls this an achievement. You think raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare is an achievement? Neither do I.” –Paul Ryan

North Canton, OH
August 16, 2012

Click Here To Watch Paul Ryan

PAUL RYAN: “And so, President Obama has run out of ideas. That’s why his campaign is based on frustration and anger. That’s why he’s not coming with new ideas. He’s giving us more of the same and he’s going to resort to distortion. He’s going to resort to fear and smear. The President was talking about Medicare yesterday. I’m excited about this. This is a debate we want to have. This is a debate we need to have. And this is a debate we we’re going to win. What he probably did not mention yesterday is that when passed his signature healthcare achievement, Obamacare, he raided $716 billion from Medicare paid for Obamacare. This will lead to fewer services for seniors. President Obama’s campaign calls this an achievement. You think raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare is an achievement? Neither do I. Next time you get your pay stub, take a look at the line that says payroll taxes, FICA. Those payroll taxes that come out of our paychecks are designed for two programs and two programs alone: Medicare and Social Security. But now, because of Obamacare, it’s funding Obamacare as well. It’s wrong. The president knows this. He can’t defend this. And that’s the problem. He can’t defend his record. He didn’t change his tune, he didn’t compromise, he didn’t reach across the aisle, and that’s why he’s running this kind of campaign of frustration and anger. This election presents so many clear contrasts. One of those contrasts is this: Mitt Romney and I will protect and strengthen Medicare, leave it intact for our current seniors, and save it for the next generation.”